Oh Hello-

My name is Zak Nelson. I run and operate Safehouse Audio.

Whether it’s soldering, troubleshooting, customer service, shipping, creative direction, or being the village idiot…I am the man about town with the tasks.

I’ve been a musician and obsessive consumer of all things music for the better part of 20 years. After a handful of years playing in bands in Portland Oregon (Cardioid, Night Heron, Glistener, currently AAN), my interests creatively drifted to the technical aspects of sound and electronics. One part curiosity, one part being endlessly frustrated with busted and poorly functioning guitar pedals.

After countless hours of ruining DIY guitar pedal kits, forum searches, and community college classes, I’ve managed to make some pretty fun devices.

These guitar pedals are all clones. I build and combine multiple circuits into a singular enclosure and boom- you got yourself a funky lil noise box. When applicable, I modify, adjust, and change circuits to truly develop unique, wild, and intriguing sounds and bloops.

My entire purpose of Safehouse Audio is to create one of a kind devices to inspire myself and other musicians. Music rules and science rules. The world is a fucked up and horrible place, but we can find solace, empathy, joy, laughter, and personal freedom of creative imagination through the gift of music.

That is what is most important to me and let’s be honest…most of life is total bullshit.

Much Love.


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